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Isbaah Pirwani | January 13th, 2025

Every Vanderbilt student has asked themselves this question at least once during their time on campus: what is the fastest way to get to Rand Dining Hall? Whether rushing from a class in Stevenson or hurrying over from Peabody, the ultimate solution has always seemed obvious to me — teleportation. While instantly materializing at Rand’s entrance might seem like science fiction, quantum physics suggests that teleportation might not be as far-fetched as we think.

Understanding quantum teleportation

Quantum teleportation is fundamentally different from the Star Trek-style transportation we imagine. Rather than moving physical matter from one place to another, quantum teleportation involves transferring the exact quantum state of one particle to another particle at a distance by harnessing a phenomenon called quantum entanglement.

Quantum entanglement occurs when two or more particles become connected in such a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently. Einstein famously called this “spooky action at a distance,” as changes to one particle instantaneously affect its entangled partner, regardless of the distance between them.

Recent breakthroughs

In recent years, scientists have made remarkable progress in quantum teleportation, achieving several groundbreaking milestones. Researchers at Fermilab and their partners demonstrated a major advancement in 2020 when they successfully achieved sustained, high-fidelity quantum teleportation over 44 kilometers of fiber optic network (a high-speed communication infrastructure that transmits data using thin glass or plastic strands, which send information as pulses of light at near-light speeds with minimal signal loss), representing a significant step forward in quantum communication technology. Building on this progress, Chinese scientists pushed the boundaries even further by accomplishing quantum teleportation between ground stations and satellites across distances exceeding 1,400 kilometers, laying crucial groundwork for the development of a potential quantum internet. Another significant breakthrough came in 2022, when researchers at TU Delft achieved quantum information teleportation between non-neighboring nodes in a network, successfully demonstrating the world’s first quantum network with three nodes. These successive achievements highlight the rapid pace of advancement in quantum teleportation technology and suggest promising possibilities for future applications.

Challenges and limitations

Despite these remarkable advances, we’re still far from teleporting humans or even small objects, as current quantum teleportation technology only works at the subatomic level, transferring quantum states rather than matter itself. Several major challenges continue to present significant obstacles in the field. One fundamental limitation is the no-cloning theorem of quantum mechanics, which prevents scientists from creating exact copies of quantum states. Another crucial challenge lies in maintaining quantum coherence over long distances and at room temperature, as quantum states are extremely fragile and sensitive to environmental interference. Scientists also face significant hurdles in scaling up quantum systems from individual particles to macroscopic objects, as the complexity increases exponentially with size. Perhaps the most daunting challenge of all is the enormous complexity of human biology, which makes human teleportation particularly challenging — the sheer number of atoms and quantum states that would need to be precisely measured, transmitted, and reconstructed is beyond our current technological capabilities.

Future implications

While human teleportation remains in the realm of science fiction for now, quantum teleportation technology shows tremendous promise to revolutionize several other fields. In quantum computing, this technology could lead to the creation of unbreakable encryption systems, fundamentally transforming cybersecurity. The telecommunications industry stands to benefit through the development of ultra-secure communication networks that would be virtually impossible to hack or intercept. Data storage and transfer capabilities could see dramatic improvements, with quantum teleportation enabling instantaneous data transfer across vast distances, potentially revolutionizing cloud computing and data centers. Additionally, continued research in this field is advancing our understanding of quantum mechanics, contributing to broader scientific knowledge, and potentially opening doors to discoveries and applications we haven’t yet imagined.

For students at Vanderbilt, this area of research offers a unique blend of excitement and challenge. As quantum mechanics becomes a reality, students studying physics, engineering, and computer science are on the front lines of these advancements, with opportunities to contribute to an evolving field that promises to reshape the future. Quantum teleportation research reminds us of the power of human curiosity, encouraging students to pursue knowledge beyond the boundaries of what is currently possible and help realize the dream of every Vanderbilt student: making instantaneous presence at Rand possible.


California Institute of Technology. (2015, October 21). Proving that quantum entanglement is real.

Pompili, M., Hermans, S. L. N., Baier, S., Beukers, H. K. C., Humphreys, P. C., Schouten, R. N., … & Hanson, R. (2022). Experimental demonstration of entanglement delivery using a quantum network stack. Nature, 589(7842), 269-273.

Ren, J. G., Xu, P., Yong, H. L., Zhang, L., Liao, S. K., Yin, J., … & Pan, J. W. (2017). Ground-to-satellite quantum teleportation. Nature, 549(7670), 70-73.

Valivarthi, R., Davis, S. I., Peña, C., Xie, S., Lauk, N., Narváez, L., … & Spiropulu, M. (2020). Teleportation systems toward a quantum internet. PRX Quantum, 1(2), 020317.