Vienna Parnell | October 20, 2022 Food that’s worth the “Waitz”?: An interview with Nic Halverson, the founder and CEO behind the crowd level tracking…
User-Repairable Machines May Be the Standard in the Future
Should I replace my phone or get it repaired? However, there’s one other option that manufacturers don’t want you to consider: repairing it yourself.
Digital COVID Passports Are Coming Soon
While many people do have pictures of their COVID-19 vaccination cards on their phones just in case, there has been an alarming rise of the production of illegal, fake vaccination cards for people who do not believe in getting a vaccine, or even COVID-19 itself.
The NFT Craze
With the new era of technology increasingly bleeding into every dimension of our lives, it has created a new digital collectible frenzy for Non-fungible tokens, otherwise known as NFTs.
“RIP Twitter” and the Super Follows
The world is slowly turning into a subscription-based economy. Pay $6.99 a month for Disney+, $8.99 for Netflix, $12.99 for Amazon Prime – it all adds up. Twitter has decided to join this subscription-based business.
Gait Sensing Smartphone Technology Shows Promise in Reducing Alcohol-Related Incidents on College Campuses
Fortunately, scientists are working on a new way to determine intoxication: by looking at gait, or the way you walk.